Postpartum Physical Therapy

Pregnancy, labor, and delivery are physically demanding. Too many new moms are given one 6 week check up and told they can “resume all activities” without any specific guidance. If the same person had a shoulder surgery or an ankle injury, they would be referred to physical therapy right away. So why aren’t new moms sent to a pelvic health specialist for postpartum rehab?

We believe that every mom deserves postpartum pelvic floor therapy.

Pelvic Health Physical Therapy is an important part of postpartum care.

Things included in postpartum physical therapy sessions include:

  • Treatment for common postpartum related pain, including low back pain, sciatica, hip pain, SI joint pain, neck and shoulder pain, wrist pain, and more

  • Breathing and pelvic floor muscle assessment for strength and coordination, and assessment of perineal scars

  • C-section specific assessment and education

  • Exercises to improve core connection and strength, as well as functional strengthening

  • Education on baby wearing, feeding positions, baby care ergonomics, and more

  • Education on resuming regular activities and exercise (all specific to each patients goals!), return to intimacy, and troubleshooting any individual challenges in your postpartum recovery