Diastasis Recti Rehabilitation

Diastasis Rectus Abdominis, DRA, or abdominal separation is common in pregnant and postpartum women. In fact, some studies have shown that 100% of women have diastasis recti when they are 9 months pregnant. For some women, abdominal separation can be prevalent for months or years following pregnancy.

We are here to help guide your healing and get you back to activities you love

You can move confidently again.

Our approach to healing diastasis recti includes:

  • Breathing and pressure management strategies: Reconnecting to your diaphragm, deep core, and pelvic floor muscles

  • Education: Teaching patients how to manage symptoms, and strategies for strengthening and reaching their goals

  • Manual therapy and visceral manipulation: Decreasing tension through abdominal fascia and improving organ mobility postpartum to optimize core function

  • Progressive core strengthening: Strengthening the entire core through strategies and exercises that are challenging and evidence based

  • Full body functional strengthening: Functional strengthening exercises that get you back to the gym and your everyday activities with confidence

To learn more, check out this blog post on diastasis recti.