Am I Fueling My Lifestyle Appropriately? Nutrition View from a Doctor of Physical Therapy

You may be wondering, “what is a Physical Therapist interested in nutrition for?” As a direct access, cash basis Physical Therapist I care and look at the whole person! How we eat is how we fuel all the activities and movements that we want to do! Different activities require very different nutritional intake to optimize performance and reduce injury risk. That means marathon runners should have different intake pattern compared to power lifters. Both may have very different nutrition requirements compared to a 30+ working dad who only gets to the gym 3-4 times per week (if I am being optimistic!).

As the weather is warming up, fad diets are abounding! These can be dangerous, conflicting for personal fitness goals, and contribute to injury. If your body is starved of a nutritional component, muscles may not be well fueled for the stress we put on them. If there is too much of a single component and it must compensate, then your energy level and metabolic processes may suffer. That means you will feel sluggish, increase stress on organs, and may not progress to fitness goals as expected. Proper nutrition can help prevent injury by optimizing muscle performance. If already injured, shifting nutrition appropriately can help maximize healing and reduce recovery time. At Absolute Kinetics we want you to embrace fueling your body and are happy to assess this with you when discussing PT goals!

How can your local, friendly, Absolute Kinetics Physical Therapist help? We will take time to discuss and set goals that fit your lifestyle now and what you want to maintain moving forward. These goals start with physical performance and include nutrition such as: weight management, fueling for sport, fueling for hobby or lower activity level, and analyzing fitness activities for appropriateness. If you need a step-by-step diet plan, medical condition accounted for, or more specialized assistance we have a vast network of dieticians and health coaches to collaborate with and refer to.

If your interest is peaked and you would like to discuss further, email me at or call at 513-208-2257! If you would like to book an in person or telehealth visit with me, follow this link!

Blog post written by Dr. Justin Vincent, PT, DPT


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